Hello everyone! Here is our second iteration of our How To Break Into The Industry with Masao Kobayashi! This time we focused on the Global South!

[.c-highlight]You can listen to the full audio recording above! We’ve broken down all the questions and topics below so you can get a nice feel for what was discussed[.c-highlight]
Questions / Topics
- Music
- Introductions
- What is the game industry like in South Africa? What are some unique challenges?
- Where does most of the funding come from for South African game studios?
- What is a typical career path for people entering the industry in South Africa?
- What is the game industry like in Uruguay / South America in general?
- Are game devs coming from game development programs, or more broad based programs [in Uruguay]?
- What is the industry like in Pakistan?
- Two new programs that are emerging in Pakistan
- Artists and Designers in Pakistan, is it a nomenclature issue? Does this issue extend to other countries?
- Advice to those that live in these areas, where there is not many opportunities or funding available.
Audience Questions
- Do you need a visa to work remotely?
- A small portfolio talk
- Nadir gives his unique perspective as he gets ready to move to Europe for a role
- Another portfolio talk -- specialized versus general?
- Any final words of wisdom and advice to our audience!
Fancy Links_
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