Our How to Break Into the Industry series, hosted by Masao Kobayashi, continues! This time with a focus on Quality Assurance! Hear from our panel of guests as they talk about their background, the challenges they face, and what you need to get that first QA job.

With special guests:
[.c-highlight]You can listen to the full audio recording above! We’ve broken down all the questions and topics below so you can get a nice feel for what was discussed[.c-highlight]
Questions / Topics
- Event Start
- Our guests introduce themselves
- How did our guest get their first roles in QA?
- Our guests talk about what their journey looked like in getting to where they are now
- For those wanting to get into a QA role at a game's company, what is something they can do to improve their odds of landing their first job?
- What are our guest's opinions on the industry's attitude that see QA as a "stepping stone"?
- Masao gives his thoughts on this question as well, as someone who has hired QA people in the past
- What is an employer looking for specifically when it comes to applying for a QA position?
- Bug Report: Live Panel Addition
- Is a portfolio of some sort recommended? How do we show off examples of QA work?
- Outsourcing QA? Internal QA?
- Is taking the ISTQB an absolute requirement?
- Wrapping up and final thoughts!
Fancy Links_
ISTQB Exam for Foundation, Agile, Advanced, and Specialist Certifications
Specific Syllabus for the Exam
Flashcards to study for the exam
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